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My convocation experience

My convocation experience

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Convocation is the one event that seemed like it would never come for me once I started at Seneca. I couldn’t believe just how quickly my program had gone by, and here I was, putting on my gown and joining my classmates for our last group selfies – we finally did it! Some days were long, very long, and sometimes juggling life as a working student with additional personal obligations made it feel like there was no end in sight. At that moment though, while we lined up backstage for our moment to walk across the stage, it felt surreal. All the hard work had paid off, and this was the last step before I was officially back in the workforce as an industry professional with my newly minted certificate in hand. The ceremony went by quickly, and all 5,200 of us successfully crossed the stage over the four days that the ceremonies were held.

My experience at Seneca was nothing short of what I expected: top-class, industry-focused education when I put in my application a year ago, and it delivered on all fronts. Now, with all the learning achieved, it's time to go and conquer the world. Viva la Seneca!

Sheila Murithi, Seneca graduate.

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