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Seneca researchers use AI to help find natural resources

Seneca researchers use AI to help find natural resources

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Have you ever wondered what lies underground?

Seneca’s Applied Research recently teamed up with Toronto-based BFI Energy Group to create a high-tech tool for just that kind of exploration.

Without so much as putting a shovel into soil, the researchers were able to use technology to mine data and interpret exactly what resources lie beneath the earth.

“We were looking for a non-destructive technique in order to see what’s going on under the earth’s surface,” said Amir Moslemi, Professor, School of Software Design & Data Science and the Principal Investigator.

Just as an ultrasound can be used to interpret what’s going on in a human body, seismic wave analysis can be used to understand what’s happening in the earth. However, traditional methods of this sort of exploration are expensive, time consuming and have varying degrees of accuracy.

That’s why BFI Energy Group, which specializes in oil, gas and rare mineral research and development, asked Seneca to help develop an AI tool that can identify resources.

For more information, please see the full article on Seneca News

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