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Whether you’ve got a health or accessibility concern, or you simply want to be proactive about taking care of your well-being, Seneca’s got you covered.
Medical, counselling and accessible learning services can all be found in one, main renovated space at Newnham. And they are holding an event on Thursday, Nov. 21 to showcase everything that’s available.
On the medical side, doctors and nurses provide a wide range of services to deal with everything from cuts and accidents to immunizations and blood work. All part- and full-time students and staff can use this area.
The counselling and accessible learning services are also available for all part- and full-time students.
Counselling offers one-on-one sessions and a mix of general activities, such as drumming circles, art workshops and mindfulness to promote mental health and well-being.
Accessibility Learning Services provides a variety of resources, such as assistive technology, ASL interpreters, ADHD coaches and tutors.
The Services Showcase will give staff and students a chance to tour the space, check out interactive stations – think of testing your knowledge, watching a mock counselling session and doing some art. In addition, you can ask questions and make appointments if you want to follow up on anything.
You can drop by the showcase in Room A3000, Building A any time from 2 to 4 p.m.
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