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Seneca’s Fashion Resource Centre is actively seeking donations to expand its collection | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Seneca’s Fashion Resource Centre is actively seeking donations to expand its collection

Seneca’s Fashion Resource Centre is actively seeking donations to expand its collection

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With more than 15,000 artifacts in its collection to date, the Fashion Resource Centre (FRC) within the School of Fashion has been a gem to students, faculty and employees at Seneca Polytechnic since 1989.

Presently located on the fourth floor of Building D at Newnham Campus, the FRC’s collection has been a great experiential learning asset for students in the School of Fashion, it has also been a source of interest for faculty members across Seneca and visiting researchers.

 A Vast Collection 

The FRC’s collection includes historical garments, items from luxury fashion brands, pieces that are representative of life and notable events in Canada and much more, all crafted with unique details, materials and techniques. There are also three special archives featuring creations from renowned Canadian fashion designers Marilyn Brooks, Claire Haddad and Vivienne Poy, a Seneca graduate.

The scope of the collection — which includes items from as early as the 1800s — is impressive, but it is perhaps even more impressive that all the items have been gifted by more than 600 donors over the years.

 The Donation Process 

At the FRC, the history of a garment is just as important as the garment itself: when a garment is donated, any accompanying copies of documents or photos submitted are also recorded and archived. As fashion evolves over time, this holistic approach helps ensure that any context around who made, designed, wore or used a particular clothing item is also preserved.

While the COVID-19 pandemic put a halt to it, the FRC is actively seeking donations once again. The categories of interest include:

  • Indigenous fashion
  • Creations by international fashion designers
  • Creations by Canadian fashion designers
  • Designs by Seneca graduates
  • Historical fashion items
  • Designs by luxury fashion brands

If you are interested in donating to the FRC, please email:

tarah.burke@senecapolytechnic.ca or schooloffashion@senecapolytechnic.ca

 Explore the FRC 

You are also invited to stop by the FRC in person for special drop-in tours from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on both Tuesday, Nov. 26 and Wednesday, Dec. 4.

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