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Friendlier container program: What's new?

Friendlier container program: What's new?

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 To ensure our Friendlier reusable container program runs smoothly and that we get the most out of each container, we're introducing a 50-cent deposit for each use. This deposit will apply at the point of purchase to all containers used in Seneca's cafeterias. Your participation helps us reduce waste and promote sustainability on campus.

Getting your deposit back is simple with the Friendlier app. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Download the Friendlier app: Start by downloading the Friendlier app from your app store. Once it’s installed on your smartphone, enter your name and email address to create your account
  2. Return the container: After enjoying your meal, scan the barcode on the bottom or side of the container using the Friendlier app. Then, place the container in one of the designated Friendlier return bins located around campus.
  3. Get your deposit back: You can receive your deposit back 1 or 2 weeks after you dropped off your container through an e-transfer. Alternatively, you have the option to donate your deposit to a cause of your choice, making your meal even more impactful.

Contact: sustainability@senecapolytechnic.ca


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