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Athletics & Recreation holiday hours

Athletics & Recreation holiday hours

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Two people perform a plank exercise together on the floor in one of Seneca's fitness centres.

As the Seneca Polytechnic community gears up for the holidays, Athletics & Recreation spaces are winding down for the year-end break.

All Athletics & Recreation facilities will close from Saturday, Dec. 21 to Wednesday, Jan. 1. The fitness centre at Newnham Campus will be closed the weekends of Dec. 14 to 15 and Jan. 4 to 5. The fitness centre at King Campus will be closed on Saturday, Dec. 14 and Saturday, Jan. 4.

The fitness centres and gymnasiums at King and Seneca@York campuses, along with the fitness centre, dome and Rec Room at Newnham Campus, will operate under reduced hours from Dec. 16 to 20 and Jan. 2 to 3.  Regular hours will resume Monday, Jan. 6. 

To see those operating hours visit the Seneca Recreation site. 

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