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Winter term starting January 10, 2022, but in-person classes delayed | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Winter term starting January 10, 2022, but in-person classes delayed

Winter term starting January 10, 2022, but in-person classes delayed

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TO: All students and employees
FROM: David Agnew, President
RE: Winter term starting January 10, 2022, but in-person classes delayed

In response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant, today I am announcing that while the winter term will start as planned on January 10, 2022, the start of all in‑person classes and labs will be delayed until January 24.

Students scheduled for in-person classes and labs starting January 10 will hear from their program on alternative arrangements for the first two weeks of the term. Please be patient as those arrangements are made.

Hybrid and flexible delivery classes will be delivered in online format only until January 24.

Campuses will reopen January 4, but all services will remain online. Unless required for essential duties, employees are to remain working remotely.

Students may come to campus to use large study spaces, but gyms and fitness facilities will not reopen until January 24. Masking and physical distancing policies on campus will be strictly enforced.

Seneca’s first priority remains the health and safety of our community, and our vaccination policy ensures only fully vaccinated individuals are coming on campus.

Now, it is time for everyone who is eligible to get a booster to increase your defences against the virus. The province has announced that everyone 18 and over in Ontario may get a booster shot three months after their last dose. I encourage you to get yours as soon as possible.

Stay well.

Visit our COVID-19 site for more information. 
Please direct questions to health@senecacollege.ca.

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