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David Agnew renewed as Seneca President

David Agnew renewed as Seneca President

4.53 (1votes)

On behalf of Seneca’s Board of Governors, I am very pleased to announce that David Agnew’s term as president has been renewed and he will continue to serve through to June 30, 2026.

Seneca has prospered under President Agnew, and we are delighted he will continue as president of this great institution at a time of huge change and opportunity in postsecondary education.

President Agnew demonstrated tremendous leadership during the pandemic, setting an example for the entire country with bold decisions to protect the health and safety of the Seneca community against COVID-19.

His innovation, vision and relentless focus on students have made it possible for Seneca to emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever. With Seneca Au Large as our guide, our renewal is underway.

  • The equitable Seneca embraces the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the institution.
  • The sustainable Seneca connects our actions to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The more virtual Seneca is being reflected through our academics, services and operations.

Under his presidency, Seneca has experienced record growth in enrolment, made an unprecedented level of investment in capital, expanded programs and credentials, demonstrated technological leadership and strengthened its respected brand both in Canada and abroad.

President Agnew's leadership extends to the postsecondary system and community both provincially and nationally. He is currently chair of Polytechnics Canada and is a past chair of Colleges Ontario. He also serves as chair of CADTH and is a member of the United Way campaign cabinet and the ventureLAB board.

Please join me in congratulating President Agnew on his term renewal.

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Great news for Seneca students

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