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Board of Governors election results

Board of Governors election results

4.52 (1votes)
From left: Khushi Gandhi, Business Administration – International Business advanced diploma program student; Nadine Chautilal, ITS Client Support Liaison, Information Technology Services and John Kucharczuk, Professor, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Technology

The successful candidates who will represent students, support staff and faculty on the Board of Governors have been elected by their peers. Seneca’s newest internal governors will start their terms on Thursday, Sept. 1.

Khushi Gandhi, Business Administration – International Business advanced diploma program student, will serve a one-year term as Student Governor. Ms. Gandhi will replace outgoing Student Governor Justin Chu.

Nadine Chautilal, ITS Client Support Liaison, Information Technology Services, will serve a three-year term as support staff governor. Ms. Chautilal will replace outgoing support staff governor Jerin Raj, Technical Support Technologist, Information Technology Services.

John Kucharczuk, Professor, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Technology, will serve a three-year term as faculty governor. Mr. Kucharczuk will replace outgoing faculty governor Peivand Pirouzi from the Faculty of Applied Arts & Health Sciences.

Current administrative staff governor, Maria May, Dean, Faculty of Applied Arts & Health Sciences will continue to serve until Aug. 31, 2024.

More information about Seneca’s Board of Governors is available online.

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