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Showcasing Seneca at Collision

Showcasing Seneca at Collision

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Seneca was on hand at the Enercare Centre as part of the international Collision conference, highlighting the best in technology, innovation and entrepreneurship on Thursday, June 23.

President David Agnew was joined by Prashant Pathak, Chair, Kingbridge Centre, to discuss the innovation hub created by Seneca and Kingbridge which helps entrepreneurs build and scale businesses in the agriculture, food production and processing, energy and environmental sectors.

After the conversation, Marianne Marando, Vice-President, Academic & Students, and Chris Dudley, Director, Entrepreneurship, introduced Career HERizons, the soon-to-launch series of 30 free skills development workshops, networking events and mentorship opportunities for women re-entering the workforce or preparing for new careers.

Also on hand at Collision were entrepreneurs from HELIX, Seneca’s business incubator and accelerator.

Seneca’s presentation was part of York Region’s series of funding and project announcements and took place on the #YRTech Pavilion Stage.

A recording of Seneca's conversations at the conference is available online.

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