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Introducing eTextbooks at Seneca

Introducing eTextbooks at Seneca

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As part of Seneca’s commitment to being an equitable, sustainable and more virtual institution, we are excited to tell you about our new eTextbook program.

eTextbooks provide you with access to high-quality digital resources that are more affordable than hardcopy textbooks.

The first phase of the eTextbook program will include the following seven programs in the Fall 2022 Term, with more to be added in future terms:

  • Database Application Developer (DAD)
  • Global Hospitality Operations Management (GOM)
  • Global Hospitality Business Development (GBD)
  • Global Hospitality Sustainable Leadership (GHL)
  • Nursing (BSCN)
  • Police Foundations (LAW)
  • Supply Chain Management - Global Logistics (SCM)

If you are completing one of these programs, you’ll see the Seneca eTextbook fee posted to your student account in Student Home at the beginning of the term. This fee will replace the costs of purchasing textbooks for your courses. Participation in the eTextbook initiative is mandatory.

What are the benefits of eTextbooks?

  • equitable: digital course materials are less expensive than hardcopy textbooks; eTextbooks are also compatible with eReader support tools
  • sustainable: no printing required, no carbon footprint
  • more virtual: you have convenient access to course resources anytime, anywhere on various digital platforms

For more information about Seneca’s eTextbook program, or support accessing digital course materials, email eTextbooks@senecacollege.ca.

Millions of academic resources just a click away through Seneca Libraries

As you prepare for the fall term, a reminder that Seneca’s extensive digital collection of books, articles, videos and educational resources are available to you 24-7 at the Seneca Libraries website.

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