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In memoriam

In memoriam

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The Seneca community is deeply saddened by the sudden death of Angelica Sig-Od.

Ms. Sig-Od was in her final term of the Flight Services – Operations & Cabin Management program. Her career aspiration was to become a flight attendant and travel to different countries, experiencing many cultures.

Ms. Sig-Od will be remembered by her classmates and professors as a hardworking, compassionate and empathetic person who loved animals and always looked for ways to help people.  

To honour the memory of Ms. Sig-Od, flags at Seneca’s campuses were lowered to half-mast on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2022. A Go-Fund-Me page has been established to support with funeral and repatriation expenses.

A visitation will be held Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Kane-Jerrett Funeral Homes (6191 Yonge Street, Toronto).
The funeral will be on Sunday, September 11, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kane-Jerrett Funeral Homes. Live streaming will be available.

For those in need, support is available through the Counselling and Accessibility ServicesGood2Talk online or by phone at 1.866.925.5454.

Employees can access the Employee and Family Assistance program through Human Resources.

Comments (1)


So sad. Rest in peace.


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