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Submit your proposal for EDI initiatives at Seneca

Submit your proposal for EDI initiatives at Seneca

4.53 (1votes)

The $12 million Jane Fund was established by the Board of Governors in June 2021. The Jane Fund provides resources for equity-focused financial aid, research initiatives and other equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Members of the Seneca community are invited to submit a funding proposal for projects to support EDI at Seneca.

A call for proposals is now open for The Jane Fund with funding available in grants of up to $5,000. Individuals must complete and submit the application form by Friday, Nov. 18. The following information must be included in the application form:

  • Name, outline and timeline of initiative
  • How the initiative will further EDI
  • Total amount of funds requested, how it will be invested in the project and total budget
  • Team members which will execute the project
  • Desired outcomes for the project and how these will be measured, evaluated and reported

Submit your application

Questions? Email jane.fund@senecacollege.ca.

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