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G-Club donates items to support older adults in need | MyNews | Seneca Students

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G-Club donates items to support older adults in need

G-Club donates items to support older adults in need

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A Seneca student club collected and donated items to support unhoused and at-risk older adults over the holidays.

The G-Club, which was started by students in the Social Service Worker – Gerontology program and is open to all students and alumni who are interested in working with seniors, made the donation as part of its Happy Hearts campaign.

Students volunteered their time on Friday, Dec. 23 to sort and wrap the items, then deliver them to John Gibson House in Toronto.

Donations of outdoor clothing (coats, hats, boots, gloves) and toiletries will continue to be accepted through the winter. A donation box is located inside the SSF office at King Campus.

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