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Stay safe on campus with the WorkAlone feature on the SenecaSAFE app | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Stay safe on campus with the WorkAlone feature on the SenecaSAFE app

Stay safe on campus with the WorkAlone feature on the SenecaSAFE app

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The SenecaSAFE app now has a WorkAlone feature that allows you to alert Seneca’s Security Services when you are studying or working alone on campus. Through the feature, you are able to create virtual check-ins based on your time on campus, allowing you to control the number of check-ins based on personal preference.  

Once the WorkAlone session is confirmed, Security Services gets real-time notifications that you are on campus and can monitor your session through push notification check-ins. If you fail a check-in, Security Services will send a guard to your location and contact you via phone call to ensure everything is okay.

More information is available online ( New WorkAlone SenecaSAFE Feature ).

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