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Police Foundations student took a leap of faith that led to a new career path

Police Foundations student took a leap of faith that led to a new career path

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When Kristal Moore began her Police Foundations program at Seneca, she did so because she had a passion for serving and protecting her community. But she had no idea where it would eventually land her.

Upon graduating from Seneca, Kristal realized that a career as a police officer wasn’t for her, so she ended up working full time in the automotive industry.

“I felt that a career as a police officer wasn’t for me, but I still wanted to be involved in law enforcement somehow,” Kristal recalled. “Then one day, five years later, I got an email from Seneca regarding a new program – the Crime & Intelligence Analysis degree program. I could not get it out of my head. I continuously read the email, looked at the curriculum and then one day decided that I was going to apply.”

Kristal took a leap of faith and applied and her life took on a new direction.

You can read her full story here.

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