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Feb 12

Ontario Diploma to Seneca Degree Webinar Series

2/12/2024 2/17/2024 (All day)

Audience: Ontario diploma students  
Date: Monday, Feb. 12 to Friday, Feb.16, 2024
Time: All week
Location: Virtual 
Description: Right here at Seneca, we are making it easy for you to go even further with a pathway to a Seneca honours bachelor degree. 

Seneca is recognized as a leader in pathways and offers a range of options to help students reach their educational goals for the career they want. 

Join us Monday, Feb. 12 to Friday, Feb. 16 to learn about Ontario diploma pathways to 19 different Seneca degree programs.

During each session, you will learn:

  • information about the degree program
  • eligibility requirements for the diploma to degree pathway
  • how and when to apply to the degree program
  • how to qualify for the $2,500 Diploma-to-Degree scholarship

Check out the Inbound Transfer Guide to see which degree pathway(s) your Ontario college diploma is eligible for. 

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