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How can I change or add a phone number using my active device? | IT Services

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Posted in: Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication - Frequently Asked Questions

How can I change or add a phone number using my active device?

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  • How can I change or add a phone number using my active device?


    • Moving or travelling to another country
    • Changed phone number with the same active device

    Note: It is highly recommended to have the Microsoft Authenticator app installed on your phone to avoid delays. You can only change or add a phone number if you had originally activated the Microsoft Authenticator app or have access to the old phone number.

  • Answered
    1. Go to https://myid.senecapolytechnic.ca/mfasetup
    2. Enter your "Seneca email address" and click Next

    3. Enter your "password" and click Sign In
    4. To Stay signed in, and to reduce the number of times you are asked to sign in within 24 hours, click "Yes". 

    5. You will now be prompted to Approve sign in request, click "I can’t use my Microsoft Authenticator app right now."

    6. Select an alternative option to verify. In this example Use a verification code from mobile app will be selected.
    7. Open the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone, select your Seneca account and Enter the one-time password code in the browser.

    8. Under the "How would you like to respond?" section of the Additional security verification page, update the phone number information for your Authentication phone (your primary mobile device).
    9. Next to "Phone" select "Change.

    10. Enter the phone number you would like to use and select "Next."

    11. Enter the 6 digit number you receive on your phone and select "Save."

    Tip: Turn on Cloud Backup and recover your Microsoft Authenticator app settings when you get change your phone number or get a new device.

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