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EFS Success Story - Bareen Hassani | Programs for Newcomers to Canada

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EFS Success Story - Bareen Hassani

EFS Success Story - Bareen Hassani

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Bareen Hassani and her husband relocated to Toronto from Afghanistan. During the first few months of her arrival in Canada, she experienced a mix of emotions — uncertain about what the future held for them. Ms. Hassani had left her role as an accounting associate at Women for Afghan Women (WAW), a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting vulnerable women who have endured mental, physical, or sexual abuse. Working with this organization allowed her to be part of a compassionate team that sought to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need, contributing to a better world.


Despite leaving a fulfilling job behind, Ms. Hassani was happy to be in Canada and determined to work hard to establish a new life there.

After months of unsuccessful job applications, her hope was reignited when she learned about the Professional Excellence in Financial Services (EFS) Bridging program at Seneca Polytechnic. Given her passion for numbers and making a difference, the 16-week program seemed like the perfect fit. Not only did it deepen her understanding of the banking sector and the financial industry, but it also equipped her with essential skills, facilitated valuable networking opportunities and paved the way for a career.


While studying, Ms. Hassani landed a job as an Account Administrator in recordkeeping at CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Company. The EFS bridging program provided her with numerous opportunities to connect with industry experts through job shadowing, coffee chats and virtual or in-person sessions with different banks. Moreover, all the classes were taught by industry professionals who shared their real-life experiences, allowing her to gain invaluable insights.


Ms. Hassani expressed that she learned a great deal during her time in the program, which grew her confidence as a result. She enthusiastically recommends the EFS bridging program to other internationally trained professionals, emphasizing that it equips them with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in their new home.

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