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EFS Success Story - Jash Bikash | Programs for Newcomers to Canada

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EFS Success Story - Jash Bikash

EFS Success Story - Jash Bikash

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Jash Bikash immigrated to Toronto from Bangladesh in January 2021.  While settling into his new life in Canada, he was impressed by the convenience of opening a bank account over the phone. Eventually, Mr. Bikash began to research Canada's financial sector and he decided to pursue a career in the field. But despite his extensive financial sector experience in Bangladesh, he had difficulty finding a job in Canada.

At the advice of a family member, Mr. Bikash enrolled in the Professional Excellence in Financial Services (EFS) Bridging program at Seneca Polytechnic.

As one of the 20 students selected for the four-month program, he gained the skills and technical knowledge required to work in banks and insurance companies. The program also helped him improve his presentation skills, prepare for interviews and identify his strengths that aligned with industry demands.

During his time at Seneca, Mr. Bikash secured a permanent job as a client advisor with the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). He credits the EFS program for teaching him to think outside the box and make the most of his education, credentials and life experience. According to Mr. Bikash, the program provided valuable insights into the Canadian banking and financial services industry, equipped him with necessary skills and helped him build a professional network.

The EFS program included a variety of components. Some of these included classes conducted by the Investment Funds Institute of Canada, career sessions with insurance firms and financial literacy lessons with different banks. A number of networking opportunities through guest speaker sessions, alumni interactions through coffee chats and LinkedIn sessions were also offered, as were resumé and cover letter writing workshops and hiring opportunities.

Mr. Bikash also highlighted the positive social aspect of the program, as he made friends with talented students from around the world. He strongly recommends the EFS program to other internationally trained professionals who aspire to advance their careers in the finance and banking sector.

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