2025 Career Fairs

Get ready to launch your career.

Attend the Career Fair whether you are in the first or last semester, or somewhere in between: to gain industry insights, learn about different organizations in various fields, connect with recruiters, expand your network and apply to full-time or and part-time job opportunities.

How to Prepare for the Fair

Take advantage of a series of workshops hosted by Seneca Works. These online workshops will help you:

  • Learn the importance of attending career fairs
  • Prepare and practice your introduction
  • Create a professional and polished resumé
  • Develop your networking tools and learn to leverage your transferable skills

Ready for the Career Fair? Join Our Resumé Blitz!

Prepare ahead of time for the career fair by polishing your resumé and boosting your confidence. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance, our Resumé Blitz is here to help you shine!

  • When: March 3, 5, 10
  • Where: Virtual - Seneca Works Career Portal
  • Book an Appointment Now

You may also drop in to the Service Hub to connect with our Career Peers in person or schedule a virtual appointment for a personalized resumé review.

Bring your resumé and questions. Let's make it the best it can be!

Check the calendar here

2025 Winter Career Fairs - 1 to 4 p.m.

Seneca@York Career FairTuesday, March 4 

King Career FairThursday, March 6

Newnham Career FairTuesday, March 11

Select the fair link for list of participating employers.

We’re going paperless! 

Help promote sustainability by submitting your resumé and cover letter to employers digitally through the Seneca Works Career Portal. Employers will not be accepting paper copies of your resumé and cover letter at the Career Fair.

After speaking with employers at the fair, find the jobs that interest you and simply click on the job ID number and upload your documents.