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Student engagement boards at the SSF Social Fair | Student Quality Assurance Council (SQAC) | Seneca Students

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Version 14
Student engagement boards at the SSF Social Fair

Student engagement boards at the SSF Social Fair

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We believe that every student’s voice matters. Through initiatives like our "Engagement Boards" we gather invaluable insights from students that are shaping the academic experience at Seneca.

At the May 2024 SSF Social Fairs, the SQAC asked students to reflect on the features of a high quality course. Here are some key themes from the feedback, along with how Seneca is actively addressing these areas:

What are key features of a high quality course? You said:


Students emphasized the importance of a well-structured course. Seneca’s Teaching and Learning Centre is dedicated to equipping faculty with tools and training to design clear, organized, and effective courses, ensuring a smoother learning experience for all.

"The Professor"

Students value professors who are approachable, knowledgeable, and supportive. Seneca continues to invest in faculty development programs that focus on enhancing teaching quality, inclusively, and student engagement.

“Gets you a job”

Preparing students for the workforce is a top priority. Seneca Works offers comprehensive career services, including resume workshops, interview preparation, co-op placements, and job postings, to help students transition successfully into their chosen fields.

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