Welcome to the SQAC

The Student Quality Assurance Council (SQAC) is a student-driven initiative dedicated to promoting academic quality at Seneca. We aim to ensure that student perspectives are incorporated into the design, delivery, and review of academic programs. By engaging with students, faculty, and staff, we strive to create a collaborative environment that prioritizes the needs of learners and reflects the high standards of Seneca.

The SQAC consists of six members from different program areas, campuses and credentials. We work closely with the Academic Quality department to increase student involvement and input in academic quality initiatives and processes at Seneca.

Watch our video and check out the SQAC terms of reference and our 2023-24 Annual Report to learn more.

Introducing the 2024-25 SQAC

From left to right: Kent Maruya - Chronic Disease Management graduate certificate; Sehban Abdus Samad - Business Technology Management degree; Melody Leung - Event and Media Production diploma; Kunal - Software Development degree; Abhijit Datta - Accounting & Finance degree; Ayodele Oluwabusola - Fashion Arts diploma



Contact Us

Seneca students: 
We want to hear from you. We welcome your ideas on how to incorporate your voice in academic quality at Seneca. Email us to share your feedback and consult our calendar for upcoming events.

Seneca staff: 
Get student feedback on your initiatives. We invite you to consult and collaborate with us on your projects. Email to book an in-person or virtual consultation session with the SQAC.

We can be reached at sqac@senecapolytechnic.ca