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SQAC consultation with Seneca Works | Student Quality Assurance Council (SQAC) | Seneca Students

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Version 6
SQAC consultation with Seneca Works

SQAC consultation with Seneca Works

In early November 2024, the SQAC met with Dario Guescini, Dean, Seneca Works, Amanda Brown, Director of Experiential Learning and Sheila Bruce, Director, Career Ready Programming & Skills Development to learn about the 2023-2026 Seneca Works plan.

Seneca Works shared their services as follows:

  1. Experiential learning for all students - working to bring industry into the classroom
  2. Career-ready programming and skills development - including lifelong access to career support
  3. Industry relations - employer development and support, industry connections
  4. Entrepreneurship hub (HELIX) - entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship programming for students, faculty and community
  5. Global learning and engagement - study/work aboard programs, virtual global collaborations, intercultural competencies development

Dean Guescini asked the group a series of questions, including: What types of experiential learning opportunities have been valuable to us? Does the duration of an experiential learning opportunity matter? And is Seneca Works missing the mark on anything that could support students?

Our discussions focused on the career fair held that same day in November at Newnham Campus and enhancing communication strategies to inform current students and alumni about the wealth of services and resources available through Seneca Works to support their academic and career goals. 

We were excited to hear about Seneca Works' plans to renew and expand many services, and thank Dario, Amanda, and Sheila for the opportunity to collaborate with them.