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How do I refer a student for counselling? | Counselling Services

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Posted in: Faculty FAQ

How do I refer a student for counselling?

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  • How do I refer a student for counselling?

  • Answered
    • When you are concerned about a student, it is okay to speak with them about your concerns (see information on “Supporting a Student in Distress”).
    • If the student is receptive to counselling, pass on information about Counselling Services at Seneca.  Due to Privacy and Confidentiality legislation, the student must initiate counselling on their own, no one can make an appointment on their behalf.
      • A student may be reluctant to accept that they need help right away.  Sometimes they need a little time to think about it or in same cases wait until it reaches a crisis point.
      • If a student says “no” to a referral AND if it is NOT AN EMERGENCY, respect the student’s right to refuse counselling or other help. Do not take it personally.  
      • Provide the student with takeaway information on possible resources that they could access when they are ready.
    • If the student is receptive to counselling and it is important for you to know that they have made contact with Counselling Services, you can initiate a “hand-off” with one of our managers.  In this case you would let the student know that you would like to connect them with Counselling by sending an email to a manager asking them to make an appointment for you.  If the student agrees, you can send an email, making sure that you copy the student on it.  If possible, include the student number and campus where they are attending.  Here is an example of what it might look like,


    Hi Venky,

    [Student Name] (if possible, include student #) is dealing with some difficult circumstances right now and is interested in speaking with a Counsellor.  With her permission, I am making this introduction.  [XX] is a student in the Fashion Arts program at Newnham Campus.

    Venky Sridhara Rao is the Senior Manager of Counselling Services and can help to connect you with one of their Counsellors.

    I am including you both on the email so you have each other’s contacts.

     Thank you,

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