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How do I drop a course? | Student Advising | Seneca Students

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Version 8

How do I drop a course?

To drop a class without it appearing on your transcript and with a refund (where eligible), you must drop it through Student Home by the Last Day to drop course(s) without receiving a grade and with a refund (this is generally the 10th day of classes in an academic session). You will not get a refund after this deadline.

After this deadline, you are still eligible to drop a class for a grade of DNC. Please see the instructional video below:

 Student Advising - DNC Presentation.mp4 

You cannot drop a course after the DNC deadline.

If you are thinking about dropping a course at any point, it is recommended to first talk with your student adviser to see if there are alternate options and to make sure you understand the implications of dropping the course for your academic progress.

Please note that dropping courses can have implications for your study status (full vs. part time) and/or your OSAP eligibility. 


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