Student Advising

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Student Advising

Student Advising at Seneca

Your Student Adviser

As a Seneca Polytechnic student, you have a dedicated student adviser for your program. Your student adviser is here to ensure that you have access to the support and resources available at Seneca and answer any program-specific questions (e.g. program requirements, course schedules, academic status and policies) that you have to help you move forward in your program successfully. 

Student Advisers proactively engage with students identified as needing support. 

Your student adviser can assist you with:

  • Course pre-requisites/co-requisites and graduation requirements
  • Academic status, policies, and procedures
  • Educational planning to help you reach your academic goals
  • Referrals to specific service areas on-campus to help you succeed
  • General program-related questions

Connect with your student adviser:

Please log in to The Service Hub and open a student support case.

If you are waiting for an update, view your current cases to see updates.

Important Academic Resources

Frequent Advising Questions

Please see our FAQ (Frequent Advising Questions), a collection of the most common questions asked of student advisers.

Student Resources Tile

You can find the Student Resources tile on the main page of Student Home. The tile contains an extensive list of the resources available to students at Seneca, as well as your program chart - a map of your program's scheduled offerings, required courses, prerequisites, part-time study options, and other key information.


Accessible Learning Services (ALS)

Seneca's Accessible Learning Services offers supports to students who require academic accommodations. Our team works with students to ensure equitable access to education by providing individualized services tailored to meet specific needs. ALS also offers group and peer-to-peer supports as students navigate the post-secondary environment impacted by disabilities.

Counselling Services (CS)

Seneca's Counselling Services provides free, confidential support to students, helping with mental health challenges, personal concerns, and life stressors. Our team offers individual counselling and group supports. CS can also connect students to further mental health resources. We are here to support your emotional well-being throughout your academic journey.

Learning Centre

Seneca's Learning Centre is here to help students with a variety of supports, including study skills workshops, learning strategy programs, academic coaching, academic writing assistance, and course-specific tutoring and workshops.