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Changes to the enrolment process

Changes to the enrolment process

4.55 (1votes)

Three people sit on amphitheatre-style seating while holding an animated conversation.

Seneca Polytechnic is excited to announce a change for the Winter 2025 Term aimed at simplifying how students enrol in courses. 

We’re eliminating the need to confirm your Intent to Enrol ahead of each term. Instead, you can start registering for your courses when open enrolment begins or, if you’re eligible, at an earlier enrolment date. 

Resources to help you further 

Need more details about upcoming deadlines for the Winter 2025 Term? Visit the Important Academic Dates page and mark them in your calendar.  


  • Keep an eye on your email for important next steps to build your class schedule for Jan. 2025 
  • View our tip sheet for more information on how to select your class schedule and check out our enrolment webinars for further support 
  • To add or drop courses, Visual Schedule Builder, Seneca’s course enrolment too, can be accessed from Student Home 
  • For tutorials on navigating Student Home and building your schedule, here is a quick start web page 

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