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Meet with Peer supports to help navigate registration, accommodation distribution and other ALS processes.
Accessible Learning Services supports students, faculty, and community partners by facilitating connections across various roles. Knowing who to connect with and how ensure we can support our students...
Whether you’re looking for support in classroom presentations for students, academic department trainings, faculty meetings, or community events, we’re here to help.
Academic Considerations v. Academic Accommodations
Work Integrated Learning Accommodations
A learning strategy is a deliberate, goal-oriented plan of action designed to improve your learning process. It involves using specific techniques to enhance understanding, retention, and performance ...
Seneca Polytechnic offers a wide range of assistive technologies to meet the diverse needs of our students.
Student employment opportunities with Accessible Learning Services.
Get Involved! Student Opportunities within Accessible Learning Services.
Accessible Learning Services (ALS) provides access to academic accommodations, assistive technology and other accessible learning services for students with disabilities. Our goal is to provide equal ...
Alternate format as an academic accommodation can take on two forms: digital and print.
Transition Supports
Mindfulness Supports
ASD Supports
Seneca Polytechnic and Accessible Learning Services offer support to students with both permanent and temporary disabilities. Students with temporary conditions are provided temporary accommodations b...
Accommodated Testing
Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services
Document Requirements
Accessible Learning Services (ALS) is responsible for the management of academic accommodations for all students with disabilities.
The Accessible Learning Services (ALS) team is dedicated to ensuring that all students and apprentices have an equal opportunity to succeed in their educational pursuits.
Accessible Learning Code of Commitments An Appendix to the Accessible Learning Policy This Code of Commitments is developed to assist Seneca and Seneca students to ensure the success of the accommodat...
Retroactive accommodation occurs when a student has missed a scheduled course assessment (e.g., test, assignment) due to the functional impacts of their disability.
Accessible Learning Services (ALS) provides free and confidential services online, by phone and/or in-person to students with documented disabilities registered at Seneca College. Students are respons...
Notetaking Accommodations Update: Otter AI After March 2023, a new notetaking support is available to students registered with Accessible Learning Services that have documented disability relate...
ALS Campus phone numbers, emails and maps
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