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Seneca Student Support Group

Seneca Student Support Group

Introducing Our Student Support Groups

Are you searching for a space to connect, share experiences, and find a sense of belonging with peers who share similar identities as you? Look no further – our Student Support Groups are here to offer you just that.

What Are Student Support Groups?

At their core, our Student Support Groups are designed to create a warm and welcoming environment where equity deserving students who share similar identities and experiences can connect. Unlike traditional clubs that might require active participation and substantial time commitment, our groups offer a haven for you to simply show up, be yourself, and forge genuine connections. This is a space where you can just come and be.

These identity-based Student Support Groups are facilitated and led by Student Ambassadors. We’re starting this fall with the following groups:

  • Rainbow Hangout, 2SLGBTQ+ Student Support Group
  • Accessibility & Disability Student Support Group
  • Black Student Support Group
  • South Asian Student Support Group
  • Southeast and East Asian Student Support Group
  • Students with Families Responsibilities and Mature Students Support Group

Seneca's commitment to support students is ever growing, we will continue to create more Students Support Groups in the future.

Why Join a Student Support Group?

Community of Connection: These groups are all about forming communities where students with similar identities can connect with each other. Whether you're new on campus, feeling disconnected, or seeking friends who share the same identities, our groups provide a space where you can find your people.

Share without Pressure: Have a story to tell? An experience to share? In our Student Support Groups, there's no need to worry about obligations. You can speak up or listen in as much as you're comfortable with – every contribution is valued.

No Expectations, Just Connection: You won't be asked to complete tasks or achieve outcomes as a member of a Student Support Group. This is a space to nurture relationships and build community.

Simple and Flexible: Joining a group is easy. Attend once to see if it's the right fit for you. If it resonates, continue participating. If not, no worries – the choice is yours.

Clarifying What We Are Not

Not a Replacement for Mental Health Counseling: Student Support Groups are not therapy sessions. If you need comprehensive mental health support, we will refer you to Counselling Services.

No Clinical Counseling or Behavioral Interventions: We don't provide clinical counseling or interventions.

Not a Club: Members of a club actively participate and achieve outcomes, such as running events. Our Student Support Groups are different. Here, the focus is on building community and connection. Students can just show up and exist in the space with no further pressure or expectations.

Not an Advocacy Group: While conversations about challenges and barriers could come up in this space, advocacy is not the core function of these Support Groups. Should any conversations regarding barriers require follow-up, Student Navigators will work with the Student Ambassadors facilitating the groups to determine next steps. 

Interested in Joining?

Click on the links below for information and sessions from each Student Support Groups. If you share the identity of any of the following groups, you are welcome to drop in and join us!

Rainbow Hangout, 2SLGBTQ+ Student Support Group

Black Student United Support Group

South Asian Student Support Groups

Accessibility & Disability Student Support Group

Southeast and East Asian Student Support Group

Students with Families Responsibilities and Mature Students Support Group

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about Student Support Groups, please contact student.navigators@senecacollege.ca