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FINDING YOUR BLISS | Get involved with Student Life

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-by Swati Kumari, Peer Wellness Ambassador


The term “Finding your Bliss” sounds magical. In fact, it magically plays a very important part in our lives in many ways and helps improve our overall wellness.

However, before we dive in more into finding our bliss, let us first understand what it really means!


According to the University of People, the phrase ‘Finding Your Bliss’ refers to the pursuit of happiness which can be beneficial for our entire life and our well-being.

In simple terms, ‘Finding Your Bliss’ can be referred to ‘Finding Your Happiness’ or ‘Finding A Sense of Purpose in One’s Life’.

Now having a ‘Sense of Purpose’ does not have to be something big and world-changing, like finding a cure for deadly disease. In fact, it can be something less fancy. For example, making it to the “President’s Honor List” for the current semester.

It can be anything that gives meaning to your life and motivates you to wake up every morning and work for it.



Finding your bliss is a personal journey, and what brings you happiness can vary greatly from that of another person.

There is not really a specific way to find your bliss. You might find it at any unusual time – Maybe you tried kickboxing for the first time, and you enjoyed it so much that you want to do it every day, or maybe you are cooking a new recipe and you find interest in exploring a whole new cuisine!

However, to make the process simpler, here are a few steps that you can take:


This is the very first step. It might require a lot of thinking and reflection. Start by writing down 10 things that you enjoy doing and that make you happy. Remember, it doesn’t really have to be something major; it can be something as simple as writing a journal or volunteering for dog sitting. If you are still confused about it, you can try exploring different options or different fields. Here are opportunities available at Seneca:

· The Club Hub – The Seneca Student Federation has many different clubs that might interest you. To find out more about these clubs, click here.

· On-campus Jobs – You can also involve yourself in many on-campus opportunities. I believe that the best and the most beneficial way is to find an ‘on-campus job’.

I understand that it is not that easy since you must compete with other students, but it is also not impossible. Being a student with an on-campus job myself, I got the opportunity to get involved in many different activities like writing blogs, developing workshops, and creating digital content. These are something that I never thought of trying out before. To find out more about on-campus jobs at Seneca click here.

· On-campus activities – Seneca has many exciting events planned for its students. Here is a link to the Seneca Student Life Calendar. It includes all the on-campus activities. Along with exploring different options, you can also add a fun element to your college life by participating in these events.



Whichever goal you choose, make sure that it answers ‘YES’ to the following questions:

· Is it important to me? – This is the most important question. If you don’t have a compelling reason for this question, then it’s likely that you won’t try your best to achieve it.

· Does it make me happy? – Do you enjoy doing it or do you feel excited about it.

· Are you ready to spend your time and/or money on it? – This is another important question which you might want to ask yourself before making your next move.



You might have heard this term several times, but it is the ultimate way to find your bliss.

If you have already identified your goal, passion, or your interest, then maybe it’s time for you to take one step forward and go for it!

For example, if you are an extrovert who enjoys communicating with people, you might try volunteering or working in a customer facing environment. Remember, it is not important that it always works out. You might find yourself exhausted after some days and you might rethink your choice again. It is completely normal.

Keep experimenting and trying out new things of interest. Remember, trying out (even if you fail every time) is much better than doing nothing.


‘Finding your bliss’ impacts our well-being in many positive ways. Including:


Having a sense of purpose aligns your life with values and passions which can be deeply fulfilling.


Pursuing activities that you genuinely enjoy can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction. When you are doing what you love, you are more likely to experience joy and contentment.


Engaging in activities that bring happiness and fulfillment can also help reduce your stress levels. When you are passionate about what you are doing, you are better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.


Finding your bliss can contribute to better mental health. It can improve your self-esteem, self-confidence, and overall sense of well-being. It can also help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


There is a strong connection between mental and physical health. Your physical health can really benefit when you are happy and less stressed since you are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like exercising regularly and having a balanced diet.


When you are passionate about something, you are more motivated to work hard and achieve your goals. This can lead to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.


Being happy and fulfilled in your own life can have a positive ripple effect on your relationships. You are likely to be more pleasant to be around and more supportive of others' well-being.



Finding your bliss is not an easy task. It might involve a lot of experimentation, self-reflection, and making choices that align you with your authentic self.

Personally, I have experienced days when I felt very low, as I did not have any motivation; but the moment I stepped out of my bubble and started to try out new things and communicate with different people, I found myself in a much better place. I was cheerful and more productive.

While it’s true that ‘finding your bliss’ will take a lot of your efforts, time and even money; however, the benefits it can bring to your well-being makes it worthwhile to pursue.


The content was adapted from the following resources:


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