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International Day of Yoga | Get involved with Student Life

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International Day of Yoga

International Day of Yoga

This International Day of Yoga we have a line up of interesting events for you. 

1)  Recognizing the benefits of yoga through talk and movement

The Peer Wellness ambassadors are hosting  Benefits of Yoga- Recognizing the benefits of yoga through talk and movement. The event is going to focus more on the educational component and how Yoga can benefit our emotional and physical well being- this will happen through discussion and beginner yoga poses.

Students may wish to come prepared with a yoga mat and yoga attire, however it is not mandatory
June 21st, 10:30 am 
2) Move with Newnham Recreation to De-Stress!

Athletics & Recreation is hosting a special event on Newnham’s field titled Move with Newnham Recreation to De-Stress!

This yoga practice is open to all levels of Yogi’s.  You are welcome to bring your own mat, or use one of ours.

June 22nd, 1:00 pm 

Sign up: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Svc06-dYi0qeWUM-TEEnV0K6P6W5ypJGkmDWbzy-wU9UMkRLRTgwRTZDRkRHUFVDNUZOUUhONklXSy4u

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