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We are Hiring: Student Ambassador: Peer Leadership Facilitator | Get involved with Student Life

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We are Hiring: Student Ambassador: Peer Leadership Facilitator

We are Hiring: Student Ambassador: Peer Leadership Facilitator


Job Title:

Student Ambassador: Peer Leadership Facilitator

Job Type:

Part-time, Virtual and on-campus

Job Location:

Online and, when applicable, on any campus

Start Date:

August 22, 2022

End Date:

May 5, 2023

Number of Positions:



Max 12 hours per week @ $16.00 CAD per hour

Job Summary

Seneca College’s Department of Student Life is looking for Peer Leadership Facilitators (PLF) -- students from any and all Seneca programs who are interested in and/or have experience with facilitation, leadership development, Student Life, and community development and engagement.


Reporting to the Student Life Coordinator, Service Learning and Leadership, Peer leadership Facilitators (PLF), facilitate and lead leadership workshops and training for fellow Seneca students and peer leaders across a range of leadership-related topics including, but not limited to:

  • Communication & Conflict Resolution
  • Goal Setting and Reflection
  • Value-based & Passion-driven leadership
  • Civic Engagement
  • Group and Team Development
  • And more!


Students with advanced knowledge in specific areas such as Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI), Health and Wellness, Virtual Program Delivery etc., may be asked to support and/or co-facilitate workshops offered under other Student Life Coordinator portfolios including:

  • Student Engagement & Experience (EDI)
  • Digital Content & Community
  • Peer Programs (Health & Wellness)


This position is a great opportunity for any student who is interested in developing their Leadership knowledge and practice, gaining valuable experience in community engagement and education, networking with emerging leaders for future career opportunities, while making a positive contribution to their Seneca Community.




Workshop Facilitation & Delivery (60%)

  • Co-facilitate various leadership workshops offered by Student Life as part of Leadership & Service Learning portfolio including conferences and Service Learning Opportunities
  • Assists in the planning and execution of Leadership events and workshops including preparation and set-up of workshops for both online and in-person delivery; creating event materials and presentations; monitoring registration
  • Students are in charge of keeping track of workshop registration and attendance including sending email reminders of workshops and submitting attendance sheet after each workshop delivered

Curriculum Development & Assessment (20%)

  • Review Workshop Curriculum and provide feedback to SLC, Service Learning And Leadership
  • Complete SWOT analysis (and other analysis tools) after each workshop to support Leadership curriculum and program development
  • Provide monthly feedback and/or summary (verbal or written) to SLC, Service Learning and Leadership

Training & Commitments (10%)

  • Attend all service training and development throughout the contract period

Additional Duties (10%)

  • Attend weekly Leadership Development team meetings
  • Support the efforts of Student Life team, where needed


Required Skills


  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills
  • Interpersonal and group facilitation/presentation skills
  • Good Organizational skills and time management
  • Active Listening skills



  • Experience working with people from a variety of backgrounds & cultures
  • Helps others show respect for and listen to the input of others.
  • Demonstrates empathy and perceives, evaluates and effectively responds to emotions in others;
  • Shows sensitivity and understanding of others’ perspectives
  • Uses inclusive, respectful language in all communication.
  • Engages in critical reflection in order to identify one’s own prejudices and biases.
  • SafeTalk and/or other Suicide prevention training is an asset



  • Experience in leadership positions at Seneca College or other communities and groups through paid or volunteer positions
  • Demonstrated participation in and/or knowledge of Seneca College and Student Life Programs is an asset
  • Demonstrate high level of dedication, professionalism and personal accountability
  • Be able to work independently and, when applicable, remotely on different campuses, and online
  • Role model appropriate behaviour in-person and online
  • Demonstrated participation in and/or knowledge of Seneca College and Student Life Programs is an asset



  • Experience with basic spreadsheets (Excel), word processing and knowledge of PowerPoint
  • Experience with video conferencing tools such as Zoom and MS Teams is an asset

Additional Notes:

  • Students belonging to equity-deserving groups are strongly encouraged to apply
  • Students must be able to attend 2-day mandatory training session during the week of August 22- 26 (exact date TBD)
  • Student must be willing to travel to Seneca Campus(es) for workshops and/or training;
  • This position has generally flexible schedule around academic commitments with potentially some evenings/weekend work
  • Student must be in good academic standing to be considered


Comments (4)


Hi!! I am starting my co-op with Seneca college starting this September. Am I still eligible to apply for this position.


Yes you are- as long as you are a student till May 2023

0 (0votes)

Hi, want to know if students who are going to graduate this semester are eligible to apply.


I am working off-campus. Can i also apply for this job? Can i work on-campus too?


Yes you can - as long as you do not exceed the permissible hours 

0 (0votes)

you need to be a student until May 2023
