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Understanding Kuper Island : A discussion of thoughts, reflections, and ideas towards reconciliation | Get involved with Student Life

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Understanding Kuper Island : A discussion of thoughts, reflections, and ideas towards reconciliation

Understanding Kuper Island : A discussion of thoughts, reflections, and ideas towards reconciliation

Join us as we discuss the Indian Residential School events as told on the CBC Podcast - Kuper Island 

These discussions will be taking place in-person at Odeyto on Newnham campus on Sept 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th at 4:30 p.m. They will be hosted by Elder Blu Waters (They/Them): Istchii Nikamoon: Earth Song, Wolf clan Cree/Metis/Micmac, Blu is a member of the Metis Nation of Ontario.

Listen to the CBC Original Kuper Island podcast here 

Please let us know in the form below, if you would be joining us in-person or online through webex 
Register here

If you are unable to join us in person, you can join us virtually at 4:30 p.m. every Thursday on Webex. 

Join us virtually

In case you missed our previous discussion, you can catch up on our discussions audio recordings here

Lastly, all are invited to join a conversation with Duncan McCue, award-wining CBC journalist and host of the Kuper Island podcast, virtually or in Room K2100, Building K, Newnham Campus at 1 p.m. on Friday, September 30. Registration information will be shared shortly. Duncan will discuss the notorious residential school and much more. If you would like to submit a question for Duncan, please comment with your question below or send it to shona.dias@senecacollege.ca 

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