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Dimensions of Wellness

Dimensions of Wellness

Image description: Dimensions of wellness - Emotional, physical, intellectual and social - image created by Prachi Salvi

What is Wellness? 

Wellness is a way to address and make changes to certain aspects of your life that will lead to healthier physical, emotional, and social outcomes.  

These changes look and feel different for everyone. Developing your wellness strategy is about discovering what is best for you and how to easily sustain these changes for long-term health and well-being. 

The Wellness Wheel is a visual representation of how interrelated all aspects of your life are and how they impact your well-being.  

It is important to consider each area of the wheel and how it will impact your wellness. Neglecting one of the dimensions of Wellness may prevent you from finding a healthy balance in your life.  

Physical Wellness  

Physical Wellness is how you take care of your body and listen to what it is telling you so that you can optimize your health. Maintaining your physical health and Wellness can be achieved by: 

Implementing these important steps into your daily life not only improves your physical health, but also your mental health. 

Intellectual Wellness  

Critical and creative thinking, and being open to new ideas and ideologies are all ways to adopt and maintain intellectual Wellness. Developing your cognitive and intellectual skills is a critical component of overall Wellness. Many activities contribute to developing skills to train your brain, they include: 

  • Working on your time management – Learning Centre 

  • Financial security  

  • Understanding school/life balance 

  • Addressing loneliness and homesickness 

  • Feeling challenged/motivated 

  • Feeling inspired 

  • Achieving academic goals  

  • Improving your observation skills 

  • Developing your curiosity and learning new things 

  • Breaking out of your comfort zone  

Social Wellness  

Having positive and healthy connections with family, friends, teachers, classmates, teammates, coaches, and others is defined as Social Wellness.  

Essentially, social well-being is focusing on building and engaging in trusting, respectful, and authentic relationships. 

Whether you are on a sports team, in an online community, or participating in School activities, human beings are social creatures that need to connect to one another. To improve your Social Wellness, consider: 

  • Connecting with other students and the Seneca community – there are so many ways to connect at Seneca: 

  • Talking (not texting) with friends and family 

  • Appreciating diversity 

  • Developing your help-seeking skills (asking for help when you need it) 

  • Practicing active listening 

Emotional Wellness  

Emotional Wellness centers on thoughts, feelings, and being able to have a positive outlook on life. Another critical aspect of Emotional Wellness is to express and process emotions in a healthy way. When negative emotions arise, it is important that you have an outlet to express them in a safe way. This can include: 

  • Talking to friends and family 

  • Journaling – consider starting a gratitude journal  

Being optimistic can be difficult during hard times, engaging in conversation or a favorite activity can reverse those feelings and bring you back to a regular state of emotional wellness. 


Spiritual wellness may not be something that you think much of, yet its impact on your life is unavoidable. The basis of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness in your life and coming to know that you have a purpose to fulfill. Some gain spirituality by growing in their personal relationships with others, or through being at peace with nature. Spirituality allows us to find the inner calm and peace needed to get through whatever life brings, no matter what one's beliefs are or where they may be on your spiritual journey. Many factors play a part in defining spirituality: 

  • Faith 

  • Beliefs 

  • Ethics 

  • Morals 

  • Principles 

  • Values 

Signs of Spiritual Wellness: 

  • Developing a purpose in life 

  • Having the ability to spend reflective time alone. 

  • Taking time to reflect on the meaning of events in life. 

  • Having a clear sense of right and wrong, and acting accordingly 

  • Having the ability to explain why you believe what you believe. 

  • Caring and acting for the welfare of others and the environment 

  • Being able to practice forgiveness and compassion in life. 

Check in with your spiritual wellness: 

  • Do you allow yourself time alone? 

  • Do you think about the meaning of life? 

  • Do you take walks in nature? Appreciate the transformation of each season? 

  • Do you pause to remind yourself that life isn’t all about you? 

  • Do you put down your phone to just be?  

  • Do you practice activities that allow you to slow down? 


Enjoying your work or education and having financial security along with understanding work or school/life balance is how you create Occupational Wellness. Enjoying what you do is one of the biggest influences of workplace wellness. This can also relate to being a student in a post-secondary institution as well. Other parts of occupational wellness include:  

  • Financial Security – Seneca has Scholarships and Bursaries as well as Financial Aid for students 

  • Collaborating With Like-Minded People 

  • Understanding Work or School/Life Balance - What's your balance between work and relaxation? 

  • Feeling Challenged/Motivated  

  • Feeling Inspired 

  • Achieving Career Goals – discuss your plans with the staff at SenecaWorks 

If your occupation or educational journey is not matching up with your wellbeing, consider looking for other opportunities that spark a certain drive that you are currently lacking. 


Spending your time in a safe and clean environment can help promote Environmental Wellness. You can find these types of outdoor spaces in your local parks.  

Your home is another environment that is critical to your wellbeing. Is your room a place that you feel comfortable, safe and at ease in? Consider adding personal mementos, and plants and taking advantage of natural lighting. 

Since studying will be your main job at Seneca, finding an environment that allows you to focus and be productive will be key. This may be your room, study lounge, library, or another place on campus. If you haven't already, explore and find one or more study spaces that works for you. 

Contributing to the well-being of the environment makes people respect and feel more appreciative about their surroundings. Environmentally-friendly acts you can start practicing today include: 

  • Riding a Bike 

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

  • Compost Food 

  • Use Natural Products 

  • Take Advantage of Sunlight 

  • Resist Littering 

  • Spend More Time Outside 

Environmental Sustainability is one of Seneca’s 3 main pillars. With the release of its first sustainability plan, Seneca is focusing on four priority themes: leadership, community, education and research, and operations.  


The content was adapted from the following resources: 

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