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The following awards require a nomination by a Seneca faculty or staff member.
If you meet the criteria for the for the W.T. Newnham Leadership Award or Stephen E. Quinlan Award, please ask a Seneca faculty or staff member to consider nominating you by completing the requisite nomination forms below.
The Seneca Student Federation will annually present a trophy and award to one recipient in recognition and honour of retired President, Stephen E. Quinlan. A large trophy with the name of each year's recipient will be displayed at Seneca, and the recipient will also receive a commemorative trophy as a keepsake. This award is funded by the Seneca Student Federation Leadership Awards fee.
The major criteria for the award include:
This trophy and award are presented to a student in their final year of studies, who has demonstrated an ability to function as a leader of student leaders in the enhancement of the quality of student life at Seneca. A minimum GPA of 2.5 plus outstanding leadership related to a short-term project or a yearlong activity will be the major criteria.
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