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The Computing Commons is an open area where computers are available for students to access and require an authentication login.
Collaboration Tools
The ChargeBar (Charging Station) is available to charge virtually any mobile phone or tablet device faster than a standard wall charger in a secure locker.
Information Technology Services supports several learning environments for students and employees.
Audio Visual Equipment is available for students and employees to book and borrow equipment to use instructional and presentation purposes.
Audio visual services support the use of instructional and presentation technologies at Seneca Polytechnic
There are specific requirements that passwords must meet for students and employees to set a password for their Seneca account.
When you forget your password and can no longer access your account. You can use Self Service Password Recovery if you previously set it up with a recovery method.
Change your password often and regularly. Use a strong password that is at least 8 characters long and that contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
Set up your personal email and mobile number as password recovery methods if you forget your password.
First Time Setup for New Users in SSPR
ITS is replacing the current password management system with a new cloud-based system that gives students and employees the ability to change or reset their password by themselves, without service des...
Learn about the variety of IT services available to students
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