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Many Seneca printers can be used as photocopiers.
Seneca students may print documents from Seneca computers (e.g., in the Computing Commons or labs).
Learn how to log in to use Seneca printers
Printing is inexpensive and convenient at Seneca.
OneDrive is a cloud-based file storage and synchronization service that enables you to securely store, share, and sync files from anywhere, at any time.
Sending mail to your Office 365 group allows you to send mail to your entire team without entering the entire team list every email.
Office 365 Group provides the option to add and remove members from customized groups.
Mailing groups can be created on Office 365 Group, helping to simplify collaboration with others in a shared working environment.
Groups are an effective way to collaborate with others in a shared working environment.
Seneca uses Microsoft ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) to filter spam, viruses, unsolicited and dangerous emails from employee and student inboxes.
For email client software that cannot connect to an Exchange or Office 365 server, please connect via the IMAP protocol.
Seneca students with a smartphone or tablet connected to the internet can send and receive emails using the app of their choice.
Microsoft Outlook is the preferred email client to send and receive emails on Mac or Windows computers.
Apple Mail is a simple email client that supports some, but not all, of the Seneca email features available Apple Mail is a simple email client that supports some, but not all, of the Seneca email, fe...
Students can use the software installed on their computer to send and receive Seneca email.
Microsoft Office 365 allows Senecans to access email and calendars, as well as Office Web Apps, instant messaging, conferencing and file sharing.
Microsoft 365 is a modern suite of tools for productivity, communication and collaboration. Applications include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and much more.
Matrix is a cluster of Linux CentOS servers. Students can use Matrix to learn working and programming in a Linux environment.
Seneca's loan policies help ensure equipment loaned to students are used with care and returned.
The ITS Service Counters located across all four major Seneca campuses (King, Markham, Seneca@York and Newnham) maintain a variety of computing equipment available for rent.
Seneca students may print documents from the Computing Commons with their Seneca OneCard and collect them at nearby printers.
The Seneca@York Computing Commons is located in the Stephen E. Quinlan (SEQ) building on the first floor, just left of the main entrance.
The Newnham Campus Computing Commons can be found on the second floor of the B-Building just across Starbucks, and by the Security and Welcome Desk.
The Markham Campus Computing Commons can be found on the 2nd floor across the hall from the library.
The King Campus Computing Commons can be found in the Pod C, Garriock Hall and first level, Magna Hall.
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