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Creating Your Timetable – May 2023 Orientation | Get involved with Student Life

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Creating Your Timetable – May 2023 Orientation

Creating Your Timetable – May 2023 Orientation

Various webinars and information sessions will be hosted both virtually and in-person to help you complete critical steps and prepare for a successful start at Seneca.


Intent to Enrol and Create Your Timetable
Join one of these session for help with selecting your class schedule:

      Learn more about Intent to Enrol and selecting your class schedule.


      COM 101 versus COM 111
      Diploma, advanced diploma and some certificate programs require you to take either COM101 or COM111 - Communicating Across Contexts. Attend this session to learn more on how to add these to your schedule.


        During the open enrolment period for your term, you can see which COM class you need to take by doing the following:

        1. Log in to Student Home.
        2. Select Manage Classes and then Build Schedule to open the Visual Schedule Builder. Learn how to use the Visual Schedule Builder.
        3. Select My Requirements to view the courses you need to take.


        Refer to the Enrolling in COM or MATH courses tip sheet for more detailed information on how to add these to your schedule.

        For more information, visit the School of English & Liberal Studies (SELS) page.


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