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Understanding the Basics of Canadian Banking and credit in Canada | Get involved with Student Life

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Understanding the Basics of Canadian Banking and credit in Canada

Understanding the Basics of Canadian Banking and credit in Canada

Understanding Credit in Canada (hosted by Royal Bank of Canada)

Fri. September 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST

In Canada, individuals are assigned credit scores based on their spending and credit history. Major lenders refer to your credit score when making decisions about your account. Learn about how to keep maintain a good credit score, and why it’s important. Join our experts - the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), as they explain how your credit works in Canada.

Register for the Understanding Credit in Canada on Fri. September 22

Understanding the Basics of Canadian Banking (hosted by Royal Bank of Canada)

Mon. September 25 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST

How do banks work in Canada? Learn more about the Canadian Banking system and have any of your banking questions answered by one of the biggest banks in Canada – Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).

Register to join the Understanding the Basics of Canadian Banking on Mon. September 25

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