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Active Communication Together Program (A.C.T.)

Active Communication Together Program (A.C.T.)

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Welcome to A.C.T. (Active Communication Together) Program

We’re thrilled to introduce our newest addition to the Peer Wellness Program: A.C.T. – Active Communication Together! Designed with the well-being of our students in mind, A.C.T. offers a supportive space where you can be yourself, feel connected, and be heard. 

What is A.C.T.?

A.C.T., which stands for Active Communication Together is a new peer to peer initiative offered by the Peer Wellness Program. A.C.T. is dedicated to providing one-on-one communication and wellness coaching support to Seneca students. It is a place where you can engage in meaningful conversations with our Peer Wellness Ambassadors, who are here to Actively listen, offer supportive Communication, and work Together with you, to empower you on your wellness journey.

What We Offer

Personalized Support: Our Peer Wellness Ambassadors are trained to provide personalized support tailored to your individual needs and concerns, based on one of our four wellness pillars. Whether you are struggling with balancing social connections and academic commitments or seeking guidance on improving communication habits, our ambassadors are here to help.

Promoting Balance: We understand the importance of finding a healthy balance between your social life, academic responsibilities and everything in between. Through A.C.T., we provide resources and guidance to help you achieve this balance to help you thrive in all areas.

Building Healthy Habits: A.C.T. is not just about addressing immediate concerns; it’s also about empowering you to build long-term healthy habits. From organizational skills to effective communication strategies, our ambassadors can help you create a plan of action, to support you in developing the skills you need to help you succeed.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved with A.C.T. is easy! Simply visit the Peer-Peer Wellness page, to find out locations and times are you campus. . Whether you need a listening ear, wellness support for your day to day activities, , or simply want to connect with a peer who understands, A.C.T. is here for you.

Join Us

Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this valuable resource. Join us at A.C.T. and start your journey toward improved well-being, active communication, and a stronger sense of connection within the Seneca community.

Date: Every Tuesday (bi weekly) 

May 21, Jun 4, Jun 18, Jul 2, Jul 16, Jul 30, Aug 13

Time: 11:30 AM -1:00 PM

Location: Room-M271 (SIA Campus)

Note: A.C.T. Is only being offered at SIA for the duration of the summer semester. If you would like to see how you can get involved at one of our other campuses, please email the Service Hub (theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca). 

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