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Seneca Applied Research is relevant to industry, driven by faculty and focused on students. We are the single point of access for industry and/or community partners who wish to engage in economically, socially and educationally relevant collaborative applied research projects with Seneca faculty and students. We help our partners access Seneca resources, including the expertise of highly qualified personnel (faculty, staff and students), research infrastructure, specialized applied research centres and funding opportunities, many of which are available only through collaboration with Seneca.
If you are interested in participating in applied research projects, please check for research assistant positions on SenecaWorks. We hire hundreds of student research assistants each year.
Commercial rights to IP developed during a collaborative research project are assigned to the company, but student research assistants retain the right to co-author papers with their faculty principal investigator (in accordance with scientific custom), and retain the right to describe their work on their resumé/CV.
If you are a for-profit or not-for-profit organization and would like to benefit from Seneca resources (grants, infrastructure, faculty and student expertise) to solve a business or technical challenge, please complete a project request form (DOCX) and submit it to
Intellectual property (IP) developed during the course of a collaborative research project is assigned to the industry/community partner. We transfer IP rights, allowing you to freely commercialize the outcomes of research.
If you are a Seneca faculty member interested in getting involved in applied research, please contact us at We work with various departments at Seneca to ensure faculty have sufficient time to work on applied research projects.
IP developed during the course of a collaborative research project is assigned to the industry/community partner. Faculty members retain the right to publish research results and to use such IP for academic/teaching purposes.
7 days ago ⋅ 0
Seneca students, faculty and alumni worked to help develop a book that teaches children how to adopt a growth mindset
11/12/2024 ⋅ 0
Applied Research teams up with BFI Energy Group to develop an exploration tool
7/25/2024 ⋅ 0
Colour Lounge Inc., a hair salon and makeup boutique in Kingsville, about 360 kilometres southwest of Toronto, teamed up with Seneca's Applied Research to develop a new cosmetic line dubbed Harvest Moon.
4/26/2024 ⋅ 0
We asked the Seneca team that won a $30,000 research grant through a national competition to share their journey and delve into what inspired this remarkable accomplishment.
2/12/2024 ⋅ 0
To commemorate Black History Month, we spoke with Adenike Adesanmi, Professor, Seneca Business. She's an Applied Research Principal Investigator on a project looking at Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) - organizations that support people facing exclusion from the labour market – and the impact they have on Black and racialized communities.
The research learning series includes 5 different modules that will provide you with important information for when you embark on your research journey.
✉️Applied Research
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