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Field Placement Process
Tips for Field Placement Students in the School of ECE.
Consent to Release Information
Supplemental materials
Steps involved in making a report of Suspected Child Maltreatment at an ECE Field Placement.
Guidelines, Relevant Legislation, and Key Definitions for reporting concerns of Child Maltreatment in ECE Field Placement Settings
Aligning ECE Field Placement expectations with the CECE 6 standards.
IMH Field Requirements
BCD Field Requirements
ECYA Field Requirements
ECE Field Requirements
Field Placement Requirements by Program
Field Work Seminars are a required courses and is evaluated concurrently with the Field Placement.
Students may, on occasion, become ill or need to be absent from placement.
Seneca Polytechnic respects and values the diversity of faith and operates in an inclusive education and working environment.
Severe weather conditions may make it unsafe to be on or travel to/from the field placement site. If students feel that road conditions are too poor for travel to or from field placement site, they mu...
If a student forges a mentor's signature or submits false information on any field placement documentation (ie: timesheets, planning sheets), they will be in violation of Seneca's Academic Int...
Student performance issues can include the student's actions interfering with the proper functioning of the Centre, requiring excessive monitoring, the inability to incorporate feedback from super...
If a student is terminated from two separate placements over the duration of the program, further practicum opportunities will not be provided, and the student will be asked to withdraw from the progr...
Students will abide by the Centre/ Community Partner's social media policies and procedures.
International students are required to complete a visa and must abide by the deadlines and regulations by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Students who are enrolled in a field placement course with an accommodation, are required to meet the learning outcomes.
Field Placement students are expected to arrive at their placement on-time and ready to work for their scheduled shifts.
Seneca remains committed to creating a safe space free from sexual violence.
Everyone in Canada has the right to work and study in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment.
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