Accessible Learning Services

At Seneca Polytechnic, student life is vibrant, diverse, and filled with opportunities for personal growth, leadership, and academic success. Whether it’s participating in social fairs, engaging in academic development workshops, or networking with peers, Seneca encourages students to actively contribute to the campus community. Seneca also provides comprehensive resources to ensure students thrive, from state-of-the-art learning spaces to academic support services.

In addition to academic services, Seneca Polytechnic offers robust student services to help students navigate their educational journey and maintain their well-being. These include counseling services, career development support, financial aid resources, and health and wellness programs. The Student Experience Office is dedicated to assisting students with a wide range of needs, from orientation to graduation. With a focus on both academic and personal development, Seneca prepares students to excel in their studies and beyond. 

Seneca Polytechnic offers a variety of supports and services for students. Below, you'll find a list of resources and icons that may be helpful to you.   


Getting Involved and Important Dates 


Writing Tests/Exams/Quizzes: 

  • Online: Your professor will add your extra time directly to your online assessment.  
  • In-person/on campus in the Test Centre: Your professor is responsible for sending a copy of your assessment to the Test Centre. You are required to confirm your Test/Exam/Quiz no later than 48 hours before a test date through RegisterBlast
    • If you have any questions related to booking your assessments orRegisterBlastin general, please contact the testcentreat your campus. 


Academic Supports 


After-hours mental health support: 

  • Good2Talkfor domestic students:call 1.866.925.5454 ortext GOOD2TALKON to 686868 
  • WeConnect: (Use access code senecaco when creating an account) for International Students 
  • Mental Health Helpline fromConnexOntario: call 1.866.531.2600 
  • Your nearest hospital emergency room/urgent care centre 


OSAP and Financial Aid 


Other Services at Seneca 

List of all SenecaServices Student Service and Supports